Near and dear to our collective heart, tabletop RPGs form a vital part of our game con culture, and we will move Olympus and Earth to ensure our Midwestern gamers and all TsunamiCon attendees a fertile ground for roleplaying goodness. Veteran and RPG-curious attendees alike will find the following services available to help scratch their gaming itch at TsunamiCon 2019:
Online Registration: As a game master, you can post your games online with a brief description and all the necessary details. As a player, you will be able to browse the catalog of posted games and sign up to reserve a seat at the table.
Open Gaming: The Great Hall will provide numerous tables for open gaming. GMs can actively recruit players from among convention attendees or see who signs up to try out their game. Also a great place to meet other players and sit down for some spontaneous gaming.
Organized Play: Watch the schedule for select offerings from D&D Adventurers League, Shadowrun Missions and Greyhawk Reborn. Check our developing schedule of events to see what’s available at this year’s convention.
Featured Games: Some of our community GMs and special guests will run custom tabletop games and scenarios designed to showcase a given game system, theme, or setting.
Thanks for organizing this great event! Already looking forward to TsunamiCon 2019! Greetings from Oakland!